Photo Collection
A look at the work we do to end poverty and promote human rights in the developing world.

Survivors of Sexual Slavery Obtain Justice in Guatemala, One AJWS Grantee Helps Keep Them Safe
“We are telling the truth. We want to be heard, and we want justice,” said…

Honoring Liberia’s Ebola Fighters: How one AJWS Grantee Empowered Communities to Protect Themselves from Ebola
Supported by AJWS since 2012, BAWODA unites and empowers women across Grand Bassa County to…

Honoring Liberia’s Ebola Fighters: How a Group of Imams Helped Save Their Community
The recent reports of three new Ebola cases in Liberia—including a woman who died on…

LGBT Love and Loss in Cambodia
Rainbow Community Kampuchea (RoCK) brings LGBT people from throughout Cambodia together to reflect on their…

How to End Child Marriage in India
Stories from the lives and work of young activists India is home to one-third of…

A Place of Her Own
Sunita Jaiswal can’t remember a time when she was happier. On a Saturday afternoon in…

Blood in the Water
Hundreds of Maya Achi people were murdered to make way for a dam in Guatemala.…

On the Ground in Nepal: 4th Update from AJWS Staff
AJWS’s Director of Disaster Response & International Operations, Samantha Wolthuis, and Associate Director of Risk…

Nursery school students help repair the world
Our President Ruth Messinger met with some adorable, charitable four-year-old students at the JCC Manhattan’s…

On the Ground in Nepal: 3rd Update from AJWS Staff
AJWS’s former Director of Disaster Response & International Operations, Samantha Wolthuis, and former Associate Director…

On the Ground in Nepal: 1st Update from AJWS Staff
It has now been 10 days since Nepal was struck by the deadliest earthquake to…

The Movement and the Mine
In 2012, Bernardo was shot and killed. Locals allege that he was assassinated by supporters…

Global Pride: Celebrating LGBT Activists Around the World
Originally published in Out Magazine. Lesbian couple Pen Nol, left, and Chhon Nhoeng, live together…

Empowering Kenyan Girls to Overcome Poverty
This guest post from the Grassroots Girls Initiative shares the voices of girls from Fortress…