
The AJWS community is making headlines on the local, national and global stage. We’re eager to share our stories!

Robert Bank

Ruth Messinger

AJWS One-Pager


American Jewish World Service is the leading international Jewish human rights and development organization, supporting more than 500 social justice efforts in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean.

If you are a member of the press and wish to obtain information about our work or speak to a member of our global team on deadline, please contact Tanyanika Davis, Director of Media Relations, at

Press Releases

View our recent collection of press releases about AJWS's work.

AJWS Denounces “Stop Work” Order that Freezes All Foreign Assistance and the Reinstituting of the Global Gag Rule

As the dust settles around the Trump administration’s first week, American Jewish World Service stands with our partners in civil society here in the United States and worldwide against the costly decision to freeze nearly all U.S. foreign assistance. For almost 80 years, U.S. aid has delivered enormous influence around the world. Beyond its humanitarian …

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