Margo Bloom
Vice President for Development
Executive Assistant
Margo Bloom is the Vice President for Development at AJWS, where she oversees a fundraising strategy that supports the work of advancing human rights and supporting more than 450 social change grantees in 19 developing nations around the world. Margo has nearly 20 years of experience leading Jewish communal organizations and brings a deep commitment to advancing AJWS’s mission as the organization embarks upon its next stage of growth and impact.
Margo was most recently the Senior Division Director of Development at NYU Langone Medical Center, where she led a team of 26, including 14 major gift officers. During her eight-year tenure which began in 2009, Margo served in several senior development positions, raising a total of $80 million. Previously, Margo served as the Director of the 14th Street Y in Manhattan and the Director of the National Museum of American Jewish History in Philadelphia.
Margo holds a B.A. in history from Hampshire College and an M.A. in history from Columbia University.