Here are five ways you can act on your values for social justice this summer. Keep reading to learn more about each action, and then download your list so you can keep track of your progress!
#1: Sign our petition for climate justice
From record-breaking heat to deadly droughts, the climate crisis is escalating and we must act now. Join us in demanding swift action from our leaders.
#2: Read a book from Robert’s Summer reading list
Every summer, our CEO Robert Bank shares his must-read books that focus on human rights. Take a look at his picks for this year, and choose one to read. Want to go a step further? Organize a book discussion group with friends!
#3: Incorporate social justice into your High Holidays
Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are just around the corner, which makes now the perfect moment to think about how you can bring social justice to your holiday celebrations. Visit our resources page for the latest readings, rituals and reflections.
#4: Take action on the issues you care about most
Human rights are under attack around the world, and we can do our part by calling on our government to pass laws and policies that protect justice around the globe. With just a few clicks, you can add your voice to AJWS’s advocacy in Washington, D.C. Whether you care about reproductive rights, democracy or climate justice, visit our Take Action page to speak out today.
#5: Support community activists on the front lines of crisis
World Humanitarian Day is observed every August 19 as a moment to honor workers on the front lines of humanitarian crises worldwide. Right now, AJWS grantees are responding to an unprecedented humanitarian crisis, as more than 5 million people across Kenya are experiencing chronic hunger due to a historic drought. Donate today to respond to this disaster and defend human rights around the world.