On Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, the sound of the shofar awakens us, moving us to renewing our conviction to make the world a better place. During this season of change, we offer you a collection of Torah commentaries, readings and rituals that connect the Jewish New Year to our Jewish responsibility to pursue a more just and equitable world for all. We hope these resources will make your observance more meaningful, inspire you to take action, and usher in a sweet New Year for you and your family. We invite you to share them online and with your community.
Readings & Rituals
Spark conversation and thought about global justice this holiday season.
Blessings for a Year of Justice
A Rosh Hashanah Seder
Release and Renew
A Tashlich Reflection
Closing of the Gates
Inspirations for Neilah
Bringing About a Time of Change
Self-Reflection for the High Holidays
From Prayer to Action
A Reading for the High Holiday Season
Teshuvah, Tfilah, Tzedakah
Reflect, Aspire, Pursue Justice
Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur: Bounty and Scarcity
A Rosh Hashanah Text Study
Delve deeper into justice during the High Holidays through commentaries written by influential Jewish leaders, rabbis and academics. These thoughtful pieces tie the themes of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur to human rights around the globe.