Tuesday, November 15, 2016
PIER SIXTY at Chelsea Piers
New York City
For the past 18 years, Ruth has been at the helm of American Jewish World Service, honoring the inherent dignity of all people and leading American Jews to repair the world. She is a visionary leader whose energy, passion and commitment know no bounds.
Please help us pay tribute to this truly extraordinary leader, AJWS’s outgoing President and new Global Ambassador—our very own Messinger of Hope.
Reserve your ticket or learn more about sponsorship opportunities.
Featuring a special musical performance by
Sweet Honey in the Rock®
Eileen Epstein
Barbara & Eric Dobkin
Senator Barbara Boxer
Gale A. Brewer
Senator Ben Cardin
Congressman John Conyers
Stosh Cotler
Congressman Ted Deutch
David N. Dinkins
Rabbi David Ellenson &
Rabbi Jacqueline Koch Ellenson
Congressman Eliot Engel
Mia Farrow
Barney Frank
Susan K. Freedman &
Rabbi Richard Jacobs
Alan H. Gill
Eric S. Goldstein
Congressman Alan Grayson
Rabbi Irving Greenberg &
Blu Greenberg
Kathryn Grody & Mandy Patinkin
Nyaradzayi Gumbonzvanda
Rabbi Steve Gutow
David Harris
Reverend Dr. Katharine R. Henderson
Reverend Dr. Serene Jones
Tony Kushner
Congressman John Lewis
Stephen Lewis
Congressman Alan Lowenthal
Congresswoman Nita M. Lowey
Congressman Jerry Nadler
Matt Nosanchuk
Eboo Patel
Rabbi Jonah Pesner
Reverend Paul Brandeis Raushenbush
Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky
Rabbi Julie Schonfeld
Senator Charles E. Schumer
Caryl M. Stern
Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Marian Wright Edelman
Marion Bergman & Stanley Bergman
Cynthia & Jay Cohan
Diana Diamond & John Alschuler
Christopher L. Eisgruber &
Lori A. Martin
Richard Epstein
Diane & Marc Greenwald
Anne Hess & Craig Kaplan
Pamela Klem & Thomas Dubin
Bruce & Lori Laitman Rosenblum
Kathleen & Richard Levin
Carolyn Murray & Bradley Abelow
Michael, Gigi, Abby, Maggie &
Jessy Pucker
Nathalie Rubens & Saul Goodman
Sharon Stein
Michele Burger & Tom Cramer
Anne Cohen
Victoria & Ben Feder
Maria Fisher
Martine & Stanley Fleishman
Eleanor Friedman &
Jonathan J. Cohen
Marty Friedman
Rabbi Elyse Frishman &
Rabbi Daniel Freelander
Steve & Alice Greenwald
Sally Hoffman
Carol M. Joseph
Marcella Kanfer Rolnick &
Josh Rolnick
Rabbi Nancy Kasten &
Rabbi David Stern
Rabbi Joy Levitt &
Rabbi Michael Strassfeld
Sara Moss & Michael Gould
Kathleen Peratis
Joni & Russ Pratt
Joan & Seth Rosen
Terry Rosenberg & Elliot Schildkrout
Amy & Eric Sahn
Suzanne Schecter & Todd Ruback
Jolie Schwab & David Hodes
Sheila & Daniel Segal
Liz & Gaurav Seth
Judy & Jack Stern
Rabbi Lewis Warshauer
Ann Wimpfheimer & Eddie Snyder
Amy R. Wolf
Carol Yanowitz Miller & Bruce Miller
Committees in formation