Shira Fischer

Shira Fischer

Shira Fischer, MD, PhD, is an Associate Physician Researcher at the RAND Corporation. She lives with her husband and two daughters in Brookline, MA, where she is active in her egalitarian minyan and serves as a Brookline Town Meeting Member. Shira can be reached at


In Parshat Toldot, Jacob and Esau, like so many other biblical brothers, are in conflict. From the womb, the two struggle with each other, leading God to tell their mother, Rebecca, “Two nations are in your womb and two peoples shall come out from your bowels; one people will be stronger than the other people …

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In the beginning, Bereshit, the world was created through speech. God spoke and there was light. God spoke and the waters were gathered. God spoke and the land produced grass. The world was created through speech. The midrash counts ten separate instances of God speaking things into creation—light, dry land, grass and plants, heavenly lights.[1] …

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