Andrew Scheer

Andrew Scheer

Andrew Scheer was born and raised in Woodmere, NY. He studied at Yeshivat Sha'arei Mevaseret Zion and went on to earn his B.A. in Jewish History from New York University. After working for the New York Mets for three seasons, he taught English in the Japanese countryside for a year, while also teaching Hebrew School at the JCC of Tokyo. Andrew currently studies at Yeshivat Chovevei Torah where he is a Wexner Graduate Fellow. He serves in the United States Army Reserve as a Chaplain Candidate at Fort Totten, NY. Recently, Andrew traveled with the Rene Cassin Human Rights and Shapiro-UJA Fellowships to Israel and with the Museum of Jewish Heritage's Fellowship at Auschwitz for the Study of Professional Ethics. Andrew can be reached at

Acharei Mot

Sweating in the hot sun, my rabbinical student peers and I sat opposite a group of Senegalese villagers, most of whom were in their late teens and twenties. We were in Senegal for a 10-day AJWS service-learning program, and this meeting of American rabbinical students and Senegalese villagers was an opportunity for cultural exchange.

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